Group Joint Protection Masterclass

What is Joint Protection?

Joint Protection is a set of principles designed to keep your joints safe during daily activities. Looking after your joints is essential for managing a variety of conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hypermobility Syndromes (like HSDEDS & Marfan) and repetitive strain injuries. Joint Protection tips include; respecting your pain, avoiding deforming positions, sticking to stable positions, spreading the load, pacing activities, splinting and more. This Masterclass (complete with handouts) will give you all the information you need to get started.

How does the appointment work?

The group session has up to 5 participants. We all meet via Microsoft Teams. The session lasts for up to an hour. We begin with a brief introduction then start working on the core theories. Participants can take turns to ask questions or share experiences as we go through.

Along side generic advice for looking after you joints we can discuss specific activities like walking the dog, doing the washing up and showering.
We can touch on aids and adaptations, tips and tricks to help support you in your daily life.

How much does it cost?

Check the Price List for details. I know money doesn’t grow on trees so payment plans are available on request. You can pay via PayPal, card or direct bank transfer. 

How do I book?

Simply use the details below to send me a message and I’ll be in touch as soon as possible. We can arrange a date and time that suits everyone. Appointments are available to people worldwide excluding The USA and Canada (sorry, nothing personal, it’s insurance/certification related). If you’re not from the UK please let me know which time zone you’re in when getting in touch to avoid confusion during the booking process.