Joint Protection Masterclasses

Learning to deal with regular injuries and or move safely with uncooperative joints can be a complicated process. Adding persistent pain to the mix only serves to make things harder. The principles of Joint Protection are aimed at learning how to move safely and how to understand our pain. Sometimes what we need are splints and braces. Sometimes it’s a new pen and a different way of getting a jacket off.

In the interests of accessibility you can now access the same joint protection advice in 3 different formats. You can find out more below, click on the title links to see more detailed information about each specific service.

1:1 Joint Protection Masterclass

The 1 to 1 masterclass session takes place on Microsoft Teams. It’s a 30 minute video call where we work through the core theories and how to implement them. You have the opportunity to ask questions as we go. After the session you have the handouts to refer back to. Check the Price List for details.

Group Joint Protection Masterclass

The group Joint Protection Masterclass has up to 5 participants. We begin with a brief introduction before working through the core information. Participants can take it in turns to ask questions as we go through. Check the Price List for details. You get the handouts to keep afterwards too.

Pre-recorded Joint Protection Masterclass

This is currently in the development/testing phase. Participants receive a pre-recorded video of the Joint Protection Masterclass content. The video is broken down into chapters allowing you to easily pause and come back later or watch specific sections again. There are handouts to keep afterwards. Plus any questions can be asked via WhatsApp or email. I can respond to questions with a voice note, video clip or email depending on your preference. Check the Price List for details.

If you have any questions or would like to book in please don’t hesitate to get in touch.