Rehab Update: Goal Tracker, Gymnastics, Capsaicin and University

Hello again and Happy New Year!! Sorry for the lack of posting lately! This will be the first of my post-rehab updates having completed the 3 week pain management course at RNOH Stanmore. If you haven’t read about my adventured there then please check the posts starting with ‘The Rehab Saga’.

The Rehab Saga: Goal Setting, Red Hot Chilli Pepper (Capsaicin) and Swimming

So I’m getting really close to complete my rehab stay and today was mostly about rounding up the programme and making sure I’m as prepared as possible before going out into the wide world to continue my life. I overslept this morning (I’m blaming the antihistamines) but I did get up early enough to go…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Goal Setting, Red Hot Chilli Pepper (Capsaicin) and Swimming