21st day in rehab (sneaky visit home to watch Grey's Anatomy, the GF Easter bunny)

I had a layin of a whole half an hour this morning before scrambled egg on toast and getting up and dressed. My back is definitely a lot better when I take diazepam at night so I think I might stick with that for a while. I spent most of the morning reading in bed…Continue reading 21st day in rehab (sneaky visit home to watch Grey's Anatomy, the GF Easter bunny)

15th day in rehab (dealing with the emotional rollercoaster of chronic illness + back pain & vintage bargain shopping)

Today marks week 5 of my 1st ever hospital admission, and since the 1st half of the day was spent doing sod all I thought I’d reflect on a few things. I started this journey thinking I’d be in over night…  Just till the diazepam wore off… I was wrong. The last 5 week’s have…Continue reading 15th day in rehab (dealing with the emotional rollercoaster of chronic illness + back pain & vintage bargain shopping)