Accessibility. There’s more to it than you think.

Accessibility is a word that I hear all the time. Accessibility refers to the design of products, services or environments for people with impairments. It’s often though of as a fixed standard, either something is accessible or it isn’t.  When you start looking deeper though you realise that isn’t really true. How can something be yes/no…Continue reading Accessibility. There’s more to it than you think.

Wheelchair Accessories

Continuing the ‘beginners guide to wheelchair life‘ this post will answer the first question from a JBOT fan… Wheelchair Accessories to answer your wheelchair woes. “How to carry anything whilst self-propelling!” – Ellie May Petty.  This is something that most new wheelies struggle with.. balancing things on your lap (and dropping them) hanging things off…Continue reading Wheelchair Accessories

The Able Label – Adaptive Clothing

“The Able Label provides quality, stylish clothes with adapted designs and hidden extras that make self-dressing easier for those with dressing difficulties.”      The Able Label is a stylish and comfy adaptive clothing range, I’m proud to announce my affiliation with them. Their items feature a number of accessibility features. To start with, no…Continue reading The Able Label – Adaptive Clothing

EDS Awareness Month – Open questions, ask me anything! #EDSAwarenessMonth

It’s that time of year again, May is EDS Awareness Month. For the whole of May I’ll be raising awareness of Ehlers Danlos Syndromes. For those of you who don’t know what it is please head on over to my EDS info page. For the last few years I’ve offered to share info on any…Continue reading EDS Awareness Month – Open questions, ask me anything! #EDSAwarenessMonth

Beginners guide to Kinesiology Tape

By popular demand, here’s a quick introduction to using kinesiology tape. I am not officially trained in any way so if you’re unsure about taping please consult your physio or similar. This guide aims to provide a few hints and tips that will get you started with taping and help you decided if its right…Continue reading Beginners guide to Kinesiology Tape

Disability life lessons – Who cares what society thinks?

Life can be tough. Sometimes people with disabilities/impairments have to make tough choices and the impact of society can make tough choices even tougher. Using mobility aids, pacing and pain management strategies often come with judgments and assumptions attached. Over the last few years, I’ve learnt a lot about myself and I feel like I’ve…Continue reading Disability life lessons – Who cares what society thinks?

Limitless Travel role-emerging placement

As part of Occupational Therapy degrees each student must complete one thousand hours of practice. How this is divided up varies from place to place. Northampton University divides practice hours into three placements. The first is shortest and is mainly observation. The last placement is the longest and it’s expected that each student will carry…Continue reading Limitless Travel role-emerging placement

Travel with a variable health condition

Planning a holiday or a day out should be exciting but for many people with variable illnesses or disabilities it can be pretty daunting. To be honest, planning anything can be pretty daunting. I’ve lost count of the number of events I’ve called off at the last-minute.  For any new visitors to my blog, I…Continue reading Travel with a variable health condition

My Top Adaptive Life Apps

Ok so just a quick post. These are little reviews of my most frequently used or most useful apps. Some of these apps are aimed at anyone and everyone but others are more for people with illnesses or disabilities. If you see something totally irrelevant then please just keep scrolling on to the next one.…Continue reading My Top Adaptive Life Apps