Disability life lessons – Who cares what society thinks?

Life can be tough. Sometimes people with disabilities/impairments have to make tough choices and the impact of society can make tough choices even tougher. Using mobility aids, pacing and pain management strategies often come with judgments and assumptions attached. Over the last few years, I’ve learnt a lot about myself and I feel like I’ve…Continue reading Disability life lessons – Who cares what society thinks?

Home at last: settling in, physio, hair dye and mobility aids.

Hello folks I know it’s been a few days since I’ve blogged but for the most part I’ve been asleep! After getting Home from hospital in Tuesday and my epic walk back to the house u spent the rest of the day in bed. Wednesday started with a layin, I just couldn’t get going. I…Continue reading Home at last: settling in, physio, hair dye and mobility aids.