It’s that time of year again, May is EDS Awareness Month. For the whole of May I’ll be raising awareness of Ehlers Danlos Syndromes. For those of you who don’t know what it is please head on over to my EDS info page. For the last few years I’ve offered to share info on any…Continue reading EDS Awareness Month – Open questions, ask me anything! #EDSAwarenessMonth
Category: Health & Disability. EDS & PoTS
Ableism in the media ‘Anyone can run a marathon’
Earlier today I was watching the London Marathon. The commentator repeatedly emphasised that ‘anyone can run the London Marathon’ all you need is ‘enough training and enough belief’. I let this sink in for a bit and decided that I couldn’t stay quiet. I was encouraged by a friend to share what I thought. What absolute…Continue reading Ableism in the media ‘Anyone can run a marathon’
Models of Disability
Today I had planned to attend an OT conference, this took a fair amount of planning and team work since I can’t drive and don’t often feel well enough to be far from home alone. Unfortunately since life happens everything fell apart at the last-minute. I don’t get to attend the conference so I’m using…Continue reading Models of Disability
Beginners guide to Kinesiology Tape
By popular demand, here’s a quick introduction to using kinesiology tape. I am not officially trained in any way so if you’re unsure about taping please consult your physio or similar. This guide aims to provide a few hints and tips that will get you started with taping and help you decided if its right…Continue reading Beginners guide to Kinesiology Tape
Disability life lessons – Who cares what society thinks?
Life can be tough. Sometimes people with disabilities/impairments have to make tough choices and the impact of society can make tough choices even tougher. Using mobility aids, pacing and pain management strategies often come with judgments and assumptions attached. Over the last few years, I’ve learnt a lot about myself and I feel like I’ve…Continue reading Disability life lessons – Who cares what society thinks?
Travel with a variable health condition
Planning a holiday or a day out should be exciting but for many people with variable illnesses or disabilities it can be pretty daunting. To be honest, planning anything can be pretty daunting. I’ve lost count of the number of events I’ve called off at the last-minute. For any new visitors to my blog, I…Continue reading Travel with a variable health condition
Chronic Pain – What does it actually feel like?
This is something I’ve been meaning to write about for a long time. While doing my dissertation before christmas I repeatedly read that most newly qualified healthcare professionals do not have a modern understanding of pain. I reviewed 9 articles for my dissertation, one common theme was the negative patient experience. Patients not feeling validated,…Continue reading Chronic Pain – What does it actually feel like?
Hypermobility Syndromes – When to seek medical help?
Living with Ehlers Danlos or any of the other hypermobility syndromes does mean you are going to get injuries at some point. That’s not me being negative, it’s the truth. Living with these disorders is risky! Simply rolling over in bed or putting on socks can lead to ridiculous injuries. I do my best to…Continue reading Hypermobility Syndromes – When to seek medical help?
Non-verbal communication
So this is a new topic for me but I think it’s probably going to help a lot of people. Communication is something we all do, usually without much thought but there are some times when communication can be a bit harder. The most obvious types of communication are talking and listening but actually, a…Continue reading Non-verbal communication
Therapeutic Relationships – Getting the most from Healthcare
I’m often asked how I’ve managed to get the most out of healthcare appointments, there is no quick answer so I’ve decided to write a longer one. As always, this post is written from the dual perspective of expert patient and healthcare professional. Much of this post is written from my own personal experience. During…Continue reading Therapeutic Relationships – Getting the most from Healthcare