As part of Occupational Therapy degrees each student must complete one thousand hours of practice. How this is divided up varies from place to place. Northampton University divides practice hours into three placements. The first is shortest and is mainly observation. The last placement is the longest and it’s expected that each student will carry…Continue reading Limitless Travel role-emerging placement
Category: My Occupations
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” – Gandalf
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
This section of my website is a collection of my Occupations, the things that are meaningful to me.
Please do have fun exploring my Nature, Travel and Creativity and Spirituality posts.
Travel with a variable health condition
Planning a holiday or a day out should be exciting but for many people with variable illnesses or disabilities it can be pretty daunting. To be honest, planning anything can be pretty daunting. I’ve lost count of the number of events I’ve called off at the last-minute. For any new visitors to my blog, I…Continue reading Travel with a variable health condition
Ross’ Wildlife Boat Trips
Hello folks, This post will be a quick review of a boat trip I went on last week. Mum, Granny & I were spending the week in Norfolk and stumbled across a man called Ross with a boat full of birds. Ross’ Wildlife Boat Trips is a one man wildlife tour out of Horsey Mere on…Continue reading Ross’ Wildlife Boat Trips
RSPB Minsmere Accessibility Review
RSPB Minsmere is a coastal reserve in Saxmundham, Suffolk. The reserve covers over 2,000 acres and is a mix of woodland, wetland, meadows, reed beds and shorelines. The 1st thing I have to compliment them on is their access statement, their website is FANTASTIC (available here) it covers so much more than just ‘wheelchair accessible…Continue reading RSPB Minsmere Accessibility Review