A red stop sigh with the word 'go' spray painted on it is faded into the backgroun. Medical Gaslighting is written over that in bold black font.

Medical gaslighting

Medical gaslighting is a term that refers to The dismissal or invalidation of a patients symptoms, concerns or feelings by a medical professional. The patient isn’t taken seriously, and the healthcare professional does not properly investigate. Instead, they usually attribute the symptoms to being psychological. After spending time on placement with Jo I felt a…Continue reading Medical gaslighting

Sport Mode

I was first introduced to the term “sport mode” by Jo. We were discussing why silly and preventable injuries happen more frequently than those from extreme activities. Hopefully, this blog post provides some insight into why this phenomenon may happen and how we can prevent injuries and pain in the future. What is Sport Mode?  …Continue reading Sport Mode

Burnout written in chunky block text diagonally across the screen. The text is surrounded by workplace stationary items. Calculator, pen, clipboard note books etc.

Burnout in Healthcare

Most people have experienced burnout in some way or another. Whether you have a draining job, childcare responsibilities, an energy limiting condition, or perhaps (like many) the daily demands of simply existing are causing it – burnout is an epidemic. So what is burnout? The WHO defines it as ‘a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from…Continue reading Burnout in Healthcare

RSPB Bempton Cliffs

RSPB Bempton Cliffs Accessibility Review

Bempton Cliffs near Bridlington in East Yorkshire is a clifftop reserve and nesting ground for over 250,000 sea birds. Gannets, Kittiwakes, Razorbills, Guillemots, Puffins, Herring Gulls and Fulmars to name a few. The cliff-top reserve is also filled with land-based-birds including Short-eared-owls, Tree Sparrows, Linnets, Jackdaws and more. The visitors centre includes access to an…Continue reading RSPB Bempton Cliffs Accessibility Review

The Etches Collection

The Etches Collection, Kimmeridge Bay is home to the incredible fossil collection of Steve Etches. Local beach combing, fossil guru, Steve has spent 30+ years discovering everything the Kimmeridge coast has to offer. His collection now consists of over 2000 late Jurassic specimens.  Steve’s story is pretty incredible, until recently his entire collection was housed…Continue reading The Etches Collection

Bolderwood Deer Sanctuary, The New Forest

Bolderwood Deer Sanctuary is situated near the heart of The New Forest National Park. The Deer Sanctuary provides a convenient and fairly accessible way to get close to a variety of deer, semi-wild ponies and other wildlife. A large car park and shed-like set of toilets are all that stand out on arrival. The car park…Continue reading Bolderwood Deer Sanctuary, The New Forest

Tramper in mud

UK Mobility Scooter / Tramper Hire

The map below shows the locations of Trampers, scooters and power chairs available to borrow in the UK. I haven’t tested many of them and I strongly suggest phoning ahead to avoid disappointment! Simply click on a pin to see the place details. The type of scooter available from each location varies so please call…Continue reading UK Mobility Scooter / Tramper Hire

Accessibility. There’s more to it than you think.

Accessibility is a word that I hear all the time. Accessibility refers to the design of products, services or environments for people with impairments. It’s often though of as a fixed standard, either something is accessible or it isn’t.  When you start looking deeper though you realise that isn’t really true. How can something be yes/no…Continue reading Accessibility. There’s more to it than you think.

The Creperie, Brighton. Gluten Free Goodness!

The Creperie in Brighton is a fabulous little restaurant just off the seafront. The Creperie offers french-style cuisine made with top quality local produce and get this.. its 100% Gluten Free. That’s right no gluten at all, you can’t even bring in your own! The Creperie prides itself on being the only 100% Gluten free restaurant in…Continue reading The Creperie, Brighton. Gluten Free Goodness!

Highwoods Country Park BOMA 7 Wheelchair

Highwoods Country Park on the north side of Colchester is a massive green space made up of woodland, grassland, trails, lakes and play areas. The park is perfect for dog walking, cycling, sunbathing and exploring. The park itself is pretty easy to get to, if you’re arriving by car simply head straight up the drive to…Continue reading Highwoods Country Park BOMA 7 Wheelchair