Occupations written in gold on a dark green background with matching gold filigree decorates each corner.

Occupations: What we do

I wanted to write a blog post about occupations and what this means in the context of occupational therapy.  When you hear the word ‘occupations’ most people will think that it’s work / job related. Occupations are not just employment. They are any task that we spend our energy and time on that is essential…Continue reading Occupations: What we do

Text reads 'pacing for better mental health' over a faded image of a sunset along a river with row boats in the foreground

Pacing for better mental health

Mental health is something we all have, good or bad. It is often separated from physical health, as if the brain is floating in some cloud-like invisible storage centre. The overlap between physical illness and mental illness is clear. If depression makes getting out of bed seem too much, feeling well enough to exercise is…Continue reading Pacing for better mental health