Burnout written in chunky block text diagonally across the screen. The text is surrounded by workplace stationary items. Calculator, pen, clipboard note books etc.

Burnout in Healthcare

Most people have experienced burnout in some way or another. Whether you have a draining job, childcare responsibilities, an energy limiting condition, or perhaps (like many) the daily demands of simply existing are causing it – burnout is an epidemic. So what is burnout? The WHO defines it as ‘a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from…Continue reading Burnout in Healthcare

Models of Disability

Models of Disability

Today I had planned to attend an OT conference, this took a fair amount of planning and team work since I can’t drive and don’t often feel well enough to be far from home alone. Unfortunately since life happens everything fell apart at the last-minute. I don’t get to attend the conference so I’m using…Continue reading Models of Disability

Relationships, chronic illness & intimacy.

This one is a requested post and the first time I’ve co-written a post! Since this post is about maintaining healthy relationships I’ve invited my partner to share his side of the story too. I will apologise now for elevated levels of sarcasm and any unnecessary use of puns featured in this blog post. Just…Continue reading Relationships, chronic illness & intimacy.