
Exercise with a Chronic Illness or Variable Disability.

I’ve thought about an exercise post for a while. I’ve had a couple of half-formed ideas about how to write this post but a recent article shared by the BBC has spurred me on. The article, Difficulties of Getting fit if you’re disabled by Kate Ansell, was brilliantly written and covered a lot of the topics I think…Continue reading Exercise with a Chronic Illness or Variable Disability.

Home at last: settling in, physio, hair dye and mobility aids.

Hello folks I know it’s been a few days since I’ve blogged but for the most part I’ve been asleep! After getting Home from hospital in Tuesday and my epic walk back to the house u spent the rest of the day in bed. Wednesday started with a layin, I just couldn’t get going. I…Continue reading Home at last: settling in, physio, hair dye and mobility aids.