Link between neurodiversity and hypermobility written over an image of a woman bending forwards to stretch and a head silhouette with a rainbow infinity symbol in it.

Link Between Neurodiversity and Hypermobility

Having a chronic illness like a hypermobility disorder commonly comes with different co-morbidities. Dysautonomia problems like PoTS, chronic fatigue and pain, gastrointestinal problems, and visual stress just to name a few. A few co-morbidities that are commonly seen in people with hypermobility is neurodivergent conditions like Autism (ASD) and ADHD. In this blog post I…Continue reading Link Between Neurodiversity and Hypermobility

Temperature Regulation

Temperature Regulation Hints and Tips

Temperature Regulation is supposed to happen naturally. Unfortunately many people with complex health conditions find that this simply doesn’t work. As many of you may know I have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS). Basically, because of my Ehlers Danlos my autonomic system is a bit wonky. I struggle to adjust to postural changes and experience a…Continue reading Temperature Regulation Hints and Tips

The Rehab Saga: Bendie Knees, OT’s and Carrot Cake.

I’m going to start this post with something from last night. I got chatting with the lovely lady in the bed next to me last night, we got on well so we added each other on facebook. After a little bit of snooping she realised that we actually have 5 friends in common! Not (as…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Bendie Knees, OT’s and Carrot Cake.