chronic fatigue & baby weaning recipes written in red over an image of rainbow coloured fruit and veg.

Chronic fatigue & baby weaning recipes…a match made in heaven?

What do baby weaning recipes and chronic fatigue have in common? Absolutely nothing. And perhaps I am the first person on the planet to write that sentence? But bear with me…. Background I’m coming towards the end of my last placement of my occupational therapy degree and spending the last 10 weeks with Jo as…Continue reading Chronic fatigue & baby weaning recipes…a match made in heaven?

My 5 favourite kitchen gadgets written in a brown tone bubble over a photo of a kitchen

Mel’s 5 favourite kitchen gadgets

My 5 favourite kitchen gadgets that might just make life a teeny bit easier! As highlighted in my previous post, we use activity analysis to think about the ways a task could be made easier. A lot of the time, using equipment is the easiest way adapt the way in which a task is done.…Continue reading Mel’s 5 favourite kitchen gadgets