Limitless Travel role-emerging placement

As part of Occupational Therapy degrees each student must complete one thousand hours of practice. How this is divided up varies from place to place. Northampton University divides practice hours into three placements. The first is shortest and is mainly observation. The last placement is the longest and it’s expected that each student will carry…Continue reading Limitless Travel role-emerging placement

Therapeutic Relationships

Therapeutic Relationships – Getting the most from Healthcare

I’m often asked how I’ve managed to get the most out of healthcare appointments, there is no quick answer so I’ve decided to write a longer one. As always, this post is written from the dual perspective of expert patient and healthcare professional. Much of this post is written from my own personal experience. During…Continue reading Therapeutic Relationships – Getting the most from Healthcare

World Mental Health Day – ‘Health’ & Individuality

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (World Health Organization) We all have ‘Mental Health’, it is literally impossible to be ‘healthy’ without looking after your mental health as well as your physical health. Health of all kinds is on a spectrum,…Continue reading World Mental Health Day – ‘Health’ & Individuality