When is the right time to use mobility aids?

This is a topic I’ve discussed a lot over the years since my health started to decline due to Ehlers Danlos. There is a lot of stigma associated with mobility aids, I’m often questioned why I use a wheelchair when I can walk or why I use crutches when I have a wheelchair. The reasons…Continue reading When is the right time to use mobility aids?

23rd day in rehab and my last full day! (wheelchair drama, walking for miles and surprise visits from friends)

Up bright and early this morning (with both shoulders and a hip out of joint! It’s really hard to pop a hip back in when you can’t feel anything besides pins and needles in either arm!) After yesterday’s emotional meltdown I was up ready for a fight this morning but my morning was a little…Continue reading 23rd day in rehab and my last full day! (wheelchair drama, walking for miles and surprise visits from friends)

17th day in rehab (Walking & shopping)

Upland about in my beautiful new chair again today, ditched the e-motion power assist wheels and went for the standard manual wheels the chair came with. I pushed 2 laps of the hospital with Mary J (my wheelchair) and I headed back to my room to read and practice wheelies 😉 Physio man came to…Continue reading 17th day in rehab (Walking & shopping)

15th day in rehab (dealing with the emotional rollercoaster of chronic illness + back pain & vintage bargain shopping)

Today marks week 5 of my 1st ever hospital admission, and since the 1st half of the day was spent doing sod all I thought I’d reflect on a few things. I started this journey thinking I’d be in over night…  Just till the diazepam wore off… I was wrong. The last 5 week’s have…Continue reading 15th day in rehab (dealing with the emotional rollercoaster of chronic illness + back pain & vintage bargain shopping)