The Etches Collection

The Etches Collection, Kimmeridge Bay is home to the incredible fossil collection of Steve Etches. Local beach combing, fossil guru, Steve has spent 30+ years discovering everything the Kimmeridge coast has to offer. His collection now consists of over 2000 late Jurassic specimens.  Steve’s story is pretty incredible, until recently his entire collection was housed…Continue reading The Etches Collection

Tramper in mud

UK Mobility Scooter / Tramper Hire

The map below shows the locations of Trampers, scooters and power chairs available to borrow in the UK. I haven’t tested many of them and I strongly suggest phoning ahead to avoid disappointment! Simply click on a pin to see the place details. The type of scooter available from each location varies so please call…Continue reading UK Mobility Scooter / Tramper Hire

The Rehab Saga: Maintaining change, Physio/OT and a visit from Addz

Up bright and early this morning but I felt pretty sleepy (I’m blaming the added antihistamines) I did eventually drag myself out of bed and get dressed in time for the Stretch class. It was a pretty small group of us today so we chatted a bit but got the job done, the Therapy techs…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Maintaining change, Physio/OT and a visit from Addz

23rd day in rehab and my last full day! (wheelchair drama, walking for miles and surprise visits from friends)

Up bright and early this morning (with both shoulders and a hip out of joint! It’s really hard to pop a hip back in when you can’t feel anything besides pins and needles in either arm!) After yesterday’s emotional meltdown I was up ready for a fight this morning but my morning was a little…Continue reading 23rd day in rehab and my last full day! (wheelchair drama, walking for miles and surprise visits from friends)

21st day in rehab (sneaky visit home to watch Grey's Anatomy, the GF Easter bunny)

I had a layin of a whole half an hour this morning before scrambled egg on toast and getting up and dressed. My back is definitely a lot better when I take diazepam at night so I think I might stick with that for a while. I spent most of the morning reading in bed…Continue reading 21st day in rehab (sneaky visit home to watch Grey's Anatomy, the GF Easter bunny)