Welcome back to #HypnOT. Session 3 focuses on understanding and managing Chronic Pain. Kim (Online Psychotherapist) explains a little about how pain impacts our brains and cognition. I share some useful tips for managing the symptoms and limiting the impact on your quality of life. This video was recorded live via Facebook Livestream then uploaded…Continue reading #HypnOT session 3 – Chronic Pain
#HypnOT Session 2 – Anxiety
Welcome back to #HypnOT. Session 2 focuses on understanding and managing Anxiety. Kim (Online Psychotherapist) explains a little about how and why anxiety happens and the processes within the brain. I share some useful tips for managing the symptoms of anxiety and on how to limit the impact your anxiety has on your life. This…Continue reading #HypnOT Session 2 – Anxiety
#HypnOT Session 1
I’m very pleased and proud to share session one of the #HypnOT series. A collaboration between myself and Kim Clayden of Positive Solution Hypnotherapy. We’ll be looking at a variety of topics over the next few weeks. This one is an introduction to who we are, what we do and why!
Handwriting Tips and Tools
Handwriting was always something I wished I was good at. I would watch my friends develop elegant and individual writing styles with envy. In my case, I simply wished I could get to the bottom of the page without my hands hurting. Gripping the pen so tightly it left dents in my fingers. Always having…Continue reading Handwriting Tips and Tools
Balance & Perception – Long Cane Training.
Many regular visitors to this site (and most of my friends) will be aware that I live with Visual Stress. For the most part it just means I wear snazzy orange glasses and can’t drive. Other less obvious elements are my lack of depth perception, terrible night vision and sensitivity to blue light. I used…Continue reading Balance & Perception – Long Cane Training.
HMSA EDS UK Management & Wellbeing Conference 2017
My presentation on Occupational Therapy from the HMSA EDS UK Management & Wellbeing Conference 2017. JBOT
Misplaced Inspiration – Being Healthy is HARD
I often discuss the ‘disabled people are inspirational’ issue with friends and family. ‘Inspiration P0rn’. I am often told I’m inspirational, some times I smile and say thank you while rolling my eyes, sometimes I challenge the person in question and at other times I take it as a compliment. I could lecture about this…Continue reading Misplaced Inspiration – Being Healthy is HARD
The Problem with Pain Scales
Throughout my Occupational Therapy training and my short but already meaningful career I’ve heard two key phrases in relation to OT. ‘Holistic’ and ‘Client centred’ .. even as students who struggled to explain exactly what being an OT involved we all knew that we had to practice holistically and be client centred [1]. So, we…Continue reading The Problem with Pain Scales
RSPB Bempton Cliffs Accessibility Review
Bempton Cliffs near Bridlington in East Yorkshire is a clifftop reserve and nesting ground for over 250,000 sea birds. Gannets, Kittiwakes, Razorbills, Guillemots, Puffins, Herring Gulls and Fulmars to name a few. The cliff-top reserve is also filled with land-based-birds including Short-eared-owls, Tree Sparrows, Linnets, Jackdaws and more. The visitors centre includes access to an…Continue reading RSPB Bempton Cliffs Accessibility Review
Self-Care isn’t Self-Indulgent
In my work as an OT and in my life in general I often come across phrases that make me sad. I have lost count of the times I’ve heard ‘I don’t have time to pace’. This phrase is usually followed by a list of things the person does for others… I often have to…Continue reading Self-Care isn’t Self-Indulgent