My Top Adaptive Life Apps

Ok so just a quick post. These are little reviews of my most frequently used or most useful apps. Some of these apps are aimed at anyone and everyone but others are more for people with illnesses or disabilities. If you see something totally irrelevant then please just keep scrolling on to the next one.…Continue reading My Top Adaptive Life Apps

Non-verbal communication

So this is a new topic for me but I think it’s probably going to help a lot of people. Communication is something we all do, usually without much thought but there are some times when communication can be a bit harder. The most obvious types of communication are talking and listening but actually, a…Continue reading Non-verbal communication

Sleep deprived ramblings -Why I use a wheelchair & Life with a variable disability

It’s not often I write about how much disability can suck. I do my very best to stay positive. I write useful posts with coping strategies. I think I do a pretty good job when it comes to living a fun and meaningful life but there are some times when I genuinely feel like my…Continue reading Sleep deprived ramblings -Why I use a wheelchair & Life with a variable disability

Adapted Textbook Exchange – Blind / Visually Impaired – Braille / Large Print

Please check out this new facebook group, its been set up by a friend of mine to help re-home adapted textbooks. VI Adapted Textbooks “This group is specifically for visually impaired young people/parents to give and receive VI adapted school textbooks (Braille, Large Print, etc). I have a reasonable number of large print textbooks thanks…Continue reading Adapted Textbook Exchange – Blind / Visually Impaired – Braille / Large Print

Tinted Lenses – Visual Stress, Migraines and more

I’ve been wearing tinted glasses since I was 12 years old. I started out with dark green but very quickly moved to orange. I’ve had a fair few pairs of orange tints. I’m used to them, I think I look a little odd without tinted glasses now! I just see them as part of myself…Continue reading Tinted Lenses – Visual Stress, Migraines and more

When is the right time to use mobility aids?

This is a topic I’ve discussed a lot over the years since my health started to decline due to Ehlers Danlos. There is a lot of stigma associated with mobility aids, I’m often questioned why I use a wheelchair when I can walk or why I use crutches when I have a wheelchair. The reasons…Continue reading When is the right time to use mobility aids?

Phase Change Cooling Vest Review

So I was very excited to get my cooling vests in the post this morning. I was lucky enough to snatch the last 2 of the ‘Junior Cooling Vests’ from DisabledGear. I have been really struggling with heat intolerance, progressively since Christmas when I started developing symptoms of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) Basically being…Continue reading Phase Change Cooling Vest Review