5th day in rehab

Not a very nice start to the day, woke up in a cold sweat with a badly dislocated right hip…ouch.
Rang for help and the nurses helped me sit up and put myself back together then helped me sort out my TENS machine.
One of the nurses asked of I’d been woken by the storm at which point everything made sense, my PoTS reacts badly to thunderstorms hence the cold sweat and fatigue. I also remember having a horrible muscle spasm/cramp in my thigh and hip last night so that explains the dislocation. Mums science based theory is that electrical energy from the storm messes with my electrolytes. I’m inclined to agree, my resting HR goes up by 10bpm before a storm and my fatigue & pain increase too…as soon as the storm breaks I’m back to normal.
In this case I suspect there was a spasm/PoTS/migraine element like the one that got me admitted but much much less severe. I certainly feel like it now!
I have 2 new neighbours both the loud pub dwelling kind of blokes who are currently putting the world to rights.
Physio lady came go see me and we decided not go do weight bearing exercise today.

After a rest break I headed down to the chair exercise class. Much the same as last time. A few gentle exercises and a game of catch or two. Pub dwelling Man joint me and the old lafies and he’s hilarious! We sat there laughing through a lot of the games that combine catching with thinking!
After a reshuffle we settled down for lunch.
Lots of pleasant meal time chit chat.
Had a nice nap after lunch and then started my physio before Mum arrived.


We did some core exercises wile talking then I got back on the bed and chilled out. During our talk we had some visitors to the feeder right outside my window.
A pigeon


And a squirrel


I’m really pleased about this I thought it would take a few days to get anything on a table this close to the window.
The rest of the evening was pretty relaxed, I spent some time reading and watching TV 🙂
Sorry this want up in the day I may have fallen asleep during my blogging 😉

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