Reflections on ‘Life and Limb’ – Aceptance & Emotional Rollercoasters

As many of my regular readers will know I am currently training as an Occupational Therapist, as part of our final year my class mates and I are undertaking specialist workshops. We were recommended to pick something of interest, something we don’t know a lot about and something that we don’t have too strong an…Continue reading Reflections on ‘Life and Limb’ – Aceptance & Emotional Rollercoasters

Types of Splinting and Bracing for Hypermobility Syndromes.

There are many different types of splints for different uses. When deciding what will suit you there are lots of  points to consider. So here goes, my run down on different methods of supporting your joints. Neoprene or  Elastic Supports These are often fairly basic lightly shaped stretchy sleeves you simply pull on, commonly available for…Continue reading Types of Splinting and Bracing for Hypermobility Syndromes.

The Rehab Saga: weekend recap and balance training

This is the start of my last week its also the last of my 5:30am starts! The drive up took an hour longer than normal this morning so I was feeling pretty rubbish by the time we finally arrive, (kinda desperate for the loo too!) My first order of business after un-pacing was to request…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: weekend recap and balance training

Rhizomed Thumb Support from Medi

Ok so I received this awesome new thumb splint this morning and I’ve decided to do a quick review (I couldn’t find any other reviews for this model online so I figured I should write one) Before we get started although I’m an OT student and I splint regularly in my daily life this doesn’t…Continue reading Rhizomed Thumb Support from Medi

Rehab progress update, Beach Yoga

Today was too hot so we headed to the beach, after a quick visit to granny and a picnic I set about getting a photo of me doing something I’ve been working on for months. After a long hard journey I have finally achieved one of my final goals. I was discharged from Rehab in…Continue reading Rehab progress update, Beach Yoga