chronic fatigue & baby weaning recipes written in red over an image of rainbow coloured fruit and veg.

Chronic fatigue & baby weaning recipes…a match made in heaven?

What do baby weaning recipes and chronic fatigue have in common? Absolutely nothing. And perhaps I am the first person on the planet to write that sentence? But bear with me…. Background I’m coming towards the end of my last placement of my occupational therapy degree and spending the last 10 weeks with Jo as…Continue reading Chronic fatigue & baby weaning recipes…a match made in heaven?

Gut issues and OT intervention written in black over a drawing of a brain with one side coloured in rainbow watercolour splotches

Gut issues and OT intervention

Occupational therapy (OT) interventions cover a wide range of strategies and techniques. The aim is to help an individual achieve optimal functioning when participating in daily activities. But what if your mind is keen to partake in the interventions but your gut issues are saying no!! In March 2023 Ronnie, a student doing their placement…Continue reading Gut issues and OT intervention

Sport Mode

I was first introduced to the term “sport mode” by Jo. We were discussing why silly and preventable injuries happen more frequently than those from extreme activities. Hopefully, this blog post provides some insight into why this phenomenon may happen and how we can prevent injuries and pain in the future. What is Sport Mode?  …Continue reading Sport Mode

Chronic Pain written on a cream background. Three cartoons show graphics representing pain with characters curled up surrounded by lightning bolts.

Understanding Pain Part 2: Chronic Pain

Hello again everyone. I hope you enjoyed learning all about pain in my last blog! That was just a basic overview of pain in general. This time I want to talk about chronic pain and central sensitisation. Hopefully this will give you a better understanding of what happens and why. Before coming on this placement,…Continue reading Understanding Pain Part 2: Chronic Pain

A faded image of a lady in a doctors coat is video chatting with another person. Over the top is text reading telehealth is awesome: here's why! in purple.

Telehealth is awesome, here’s why!

Telehealth is something very new to me as I believe it is to most healthcare workers. Until I met Jo, my only experience of telehealth was sending triage photographs to a GP who was over worked and under trained in telehealth. So, I was skeptical about at how person-centred care could be delivered without ever…Continue reading Telehealth is awesome, here’s why!

Festive season tips written in calligraphy style font over a sparkly background

Festive Season Tips

The holiday season can be difficult for the able-bodied, let alone for those of us with a long-term condition. Stress. Fatigue. People. Indulgent food. Long days. They are all factors that can exacerbate our symptoms and make us feel horrific. So, how can we help ourselves to get through this time of the year and…Continue reading Festive Season Tips

My 5 favourite kitchen gadgets written in a brown tone bubble over a photo of a kitchen

Mel’s 5 favourite kitchen gadgets

My 5 favourite kitchen gadgets that might just make life a teeny bit easier! As highlighted in my previous post, we use activity analysis to think about the ways a task could be made easier. A lot of the time, using equipment is the easiest way adapt the way in which a task is done.…Continue reading Mel’s 5 favourite kitchen gadgets

"Activity analysis. We talk about it in in pacing but how do put it into practice" written in green on a white piece of paper held on a clopboard. the desk also has a much and a pot plant on it

Activity Analysis

For an able-bodied person, tasks such as making a sandwich can seem ‘a piece of cake’.   Task, such as making a ham sandwich for an ‘able bodied’ person.  1.Clear a flat working area in the kitchen.  2. Take butter and ham out of the fridge and the bread out of the bread bin. Take knives…Continue reading Activity Analysis

Jordan and Matt stood side by side. Jordan wears a green floral dress and matt is in burgundy jumper.

The JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 4

In this episode we get the low down on Long Covid, what this term means and who is effected. The expert interview is with Kirsty Stanley, independent Occupational Therapist and Long Covid advocate. Kirsty’s Private Practise can be found here – Kirsty blends her own experience of Long Covid with her expansive breadth of clinical…Continue reading The JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 4

Reflections on Telehealth

Hello, this is Derek, Student physiotherapist. I’m speaking to you at the end of my placement here at JB Occupational Therapy. I thank everyone here for a great, rewarding experience, especially those patients who let me take part in their consultations. I’ve gained invaluable knowledge from you about your complex conditions with multiple symptoms. And…Continue reading Reflections on Telehealth