The Rehab Saga: Bendie Knees, OT’s and Carrot Cake.

I’m going to start this post with something from last night. I got chatting with the lovely lady in the bed next to me last night, we got on well so we added each other on facebook. After a little bit of snooping she realised that we actually have 5 friends in common! Not (as…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Bendie Knees, OT’s and Carrot Cake.

The Rehab Saga: 1st Weekend Home (Sunday)

Slept in this morning, up at about 9:30 and was spoilt by mum who brought me breakfast in bed 🙂 I read on my kindle for a while before getting up and jumping in a hot bath for a long soak. I pampered myself and got ready for another weeks rehab starting tomorrow. After a…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: 1st Weekend Home (Sunday)

The Rehab Saga: OT, Water Exercise and more Physio.

Nice early start again this morning, I woke up in pain. My bum muscles are so so so sore! It’s really highlighted how little I normally use my glutes for walking and standing etc. Just half an half and hour working on those muscles and they hurt more than ever before! Guess that means I’m…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: OT, Water Exercise and more Physio.

The Rehab Saga: first full day and awesome physio!

Today was my first full day on the ward. After a slightly uncomfortable nights sleep I got myself up and dressed. Breakfast was a total failure. The GF bread was full of poppy seeds and I’m allergic. They’d run out of soya milk so my breakfast options were dry cornflakes or a banana…I went for…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: first full day and awesome physio!

When is the right time to use mobility aids?

This is a topic I’ve discussed a lot over the years since my health started to decline due to Ehlers Danlos. There is a lot of stigma associated with mobility aids, I’m often questioned why I use a wheelchair when I can walk or why I use crutches when I have a wheelchair. The reasons…Continue reading When is the right time to use mobility aids?

Diagnosis pro’s and con’s

I’ve heard a lot of chat about how people feel when they receive a diagnosis, so I’ve decided to share my ramblings on the topic. There tend to be 3 distinct trains of thought upon receiving a diagnosis. 1. I’ve got a diagnosis this is good. 2. I’ve got a diagnosis this is bad. 3.…Continue reading Diagnosis pro’s and con’s

20th day in rehab (beads, discharge planning and walking lots)

Survived the night flat much better having taken diazepam before bed so I’ll be trialling that again tonight. I’ve still go lots of orders to complete for the hospital staff so I got dressed and started beading early. I made myself a bracelet to go with my cotton cord necklace from yesterday I’d just finished…Continue reading 20th day in rehab (beads, discharge planning and walking lots)

6th day in rehab

Nice early start this morning with a surprise cooked breakfast! Bacon, mushroom and toast 😀 thank you kitchen lady! Got myself dressed and presentable. Hospital transport arrived just after 9 to take me to orthotics. I arrived early and met Mum for a coffee/cake and a chat about the latest stupid Nigel Farrage related news…Continue reading 6th day in rehab