Beginners guide to Kinesiology Tape

By popular demand, here’s a quick introduction to using kinesiology tape. I am not officially trained in any way so if you’re unsure about taping please consult your physio or similar. This guide aims to provide a few hints and tips that will get you started with taping and help you decided if its right…Continue reading Beginners guide to Kinesiology Tape

#NHSselfie #SaveOurNHS #NotSafeNotFair

Today I’m sharing a selfie to support all the NHS staff against healthcare reforms. The first photo is me in resus at Worcester Royal Hospital. I was admitted with tachycardia, dehydration and mystery neurological symptoms including muscle spasms that left me with most of my joints dislocated. It took me 6 weeks across 3 different…Continue reading #NHSselfie #SaveOurNHS #NotSafeNotFair

Surviving a General Anaesthetic with H-EDS & PoTS

So as many of my friends will know I was in hospital yesterday to have a tooth extracted under general anaesthetic. It couldn’t have gone better really! I’ve spoken to a few people who have requested I jot down some of the ways the surgical team and I managed my ‘complex issues’ throughout the surgery…Continue reading Surviving a General Anaesthetic with H-EDS & PoTS


Exercise with a Chronic Illness or Variable Disability.

I’ve thought about an exercise post for a while. I’ve had a couple of half-formed ideas about how to write this post but a recent article shared by the BBC has spurred me on. The article, Difficulties of Getting fit if you’re disabled by Kate Ansell, was brilliantly written and covered a lot of the topics I think…Continue reading Exercise with a Chronic Illness or Variable Disability.

The Rehab Saga: End of week 2

So after I finished thursday nights blog post I noticed something peculiar. I’d come out in a rash. It would seem I’m allergic to my anti-fungal medication. By bed time the rash covered my arms, legs and tummy. I got one of the nurses to bleep the Dr, she said to just stop taking the…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: End of week 2

The Rehab Saga: Weekend Goals, Nutrition and extra Physio.

So after I finished my blog post yesterday I was planning on having an early night. That didn’t happen. I layed down for a while and read my kindle (no hope of sleeping with the lights on and everyone talking) I’ve been struggling to sleep here anyway so I was easily irritated by lights or…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Weekend Goals, Nutrition and extra Physio.

The Rehab Saga: The Beginning of Week 2

First day back after the weekend and up bright and early this morning. Everyone loves a 5:30am start right? … Our first session of the day was a review of our weekends. We took it in turn to discuss the progress we’d made with our goals and what we got up to at the weekend.…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: The Beginning of Week 2

Rhizomed Thumb Support from Medi

Ok so I received this awesome new thumb splint this morning and I’ve decided to do a quick review (I couldn’t find any other reviews for this model online so I figured I should write one) Before we get started although I’m an OT student and I splint regularly in my daily life this doesn’t…Continue reading Rhizomed Thumb Support from Medi