Today marks 2 weeks here at Aldeburgh Community Hospital and tomorrow marks week 5 in my hospital admission. (1st ever admission and hopefully my last for a LONG time) I have filled my room with stuff from home, my orchid, my beads, my clothes and it almost feels like home. I started the day with…Continue reading 14th day in rehab (race horses, the great escape and beading)
Tag: hospital
13th day in rehab
Fairly relaxed day today, I had a bit of a layin then got myself up and dressed. Physio man came to see me and I was introduced to the 3rd physio on the team. She seemed a little more hesitant about the EDS risks during physio than the other two but I gave her my…Continue reading 13th day in rehab
6th day in rehab
Nice early start this morning with a surprise cooked breakfast! Bacon, mushroom and toast 😀 thank you kitchen lady! Got myself dressed and presentable. Hospital transport arrived just after 9 to take me to orthotics. I arrived early and met Mum for a coffee/cake and a chat about the latest stupid Nigel Farrage related news…Continue reading 6th day in rehab
1st day of rehab
Day 1 in rehab. Woken up nice and early to a day with nothing planned. Spent a few hours making bracelets in the conservatory with the doors and Windows open. Then read lots, thank goodness for kindle. Got visited by Mum who bought me decent GF food and took me for a walk/wheel, my 1st…Continue reading 1st day of rehab
A long story short
Hi folks sorry it’s been such a long time since I blogged about anything. I had a few thing I meant to blog about but after recent events they seem totally unimportant. I’ve been on a health and disability rollercoaster and I’m going to do my best to catch you all up before I start…Continue reading A long story short