19th day in rehab (pain pain go away, pretty things are here to stay)

Bad pain day today .. In preparation for my discharge I’m trying to wean myself off the profiling bed so last night I tried to sleep laid flat down with just pillows for support. Well it’s not good I’m in a lot of pain, my hips and back particularly are really sore. That deep down…Continue reading 19th day in rehab (pain pain go away, pretty things are here to stay)

14th day in rehab (race horses, the great escape and beading)

Today marks 2 weeks here at Aldeburgh Community Hospital and tomorrow marks week 5 in my hospital admission. (1st ever admission and hopefully my last for a LONG time) I have filled my room with stuff from home, my orchid, my beads, my clothes and it almost feels like home. I started the day with…Continue reading 14th day in rehab (race horses, the great escape and beading)