Fatigue Management -written in purple over a grey and white torn paper effect background.

Fatigue – How can we manage it ourselves?

I’m pretty sure most people reading this will have experienced fatigue of some kind. And I don’t mean the ‘Oh gosh I’m so tired, it’s been such a long day’ kind of fatigue. I mean the ‘I can’t bring myself to get out of bed this morning’ kind of fatigue. I have experienced this kind…Continue reading Fatigue – How can we manage it ourselves?

The Rehab Saga: weekend recap and balance training

This is the start of my last week its also the last of my 5:30am starts! The drive up took an hour longer than normal this morning so I was feeling pretty rubbish by the time we finally arrive, (kinda desperate for the loo too!) My first order of business after un-pacing was to request…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: weekend recap and balance training