Sex and Occupational therapy written in black over a faded image of peoples hands interlinked. One person hugs another from behind.

Sex & Occupational Therapy

The past few weeks I’ve been focusing on the topic of sex and disabled people’s experiences of sex. A couple of weeks ago I posted a survey to support my research into sexual wellbeing of disabled people. The link to this survey can be found here: sexual wellbeing of disabled people  Sex survey results Firstly,…Continue reading Sex & Occupational Therapy

Jordan and Matt stood side by side. Jordan wears a green floral dress and matt is in burgundy jumper.

JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 3

Matt and Jordan are back with more myths, tips and products.The guest interview this week is Bruce Rolls. Bruce is a humanistic psychotherapist who gives us a thoughtful take on how his own experiences of sexuality inform his work. You can find Bruce at style=”font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida…Continue reading JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 3

Relationships, chronic illness & intimacy.

This one is a requested post and the first time I’ve co-written a post! Since this post is about maintaining healthy relationships I’ve invited my partner to share his side of the story too. I will apologise now for elevated levels of sarcasm and any unnecessary use of puns featured in this blog post. Just…Continue reading Relationships, chronic illness & intimacy.