I purchased this via amazon ”Trixie Waist Belt” so that I could walk dogs from my wheelchair or on crutches without getting hopelessly tangled. I have tried various methods like tying leads to my chair, carabiners, leads looped over my arms but all of them had the same flaw. The leads were either too long…Continue reading Trixie Jogging Belt for Hands Free Dog Walking
Tag: Wheelchair
RSPB Minsmere Accessibility Review
RSPB Minsmere is a coastal reserve in Saxmundham, Suffolk. The reserve covers over 2,000 acres and is a mix of woodland, wetland, meadows, reed beds and shorelines. The 1st thing I have to compliment them on is their access statement, their website is FANTASTIC (available here) it covers so much more than just ‘wheelchair accessible…Continue reading RSPB Minsmere Accessibility Review
23rd day in rehab and my last full day! (wheelchair drama, walking for miles and surprise visits from friends)
Up bright and early this morning (with both shoulders and a hip out of joint! It’s really hard to pop a hip back in when you can’t feel anything besides pins and needles in either arm!) After yesterday’s emotional meltdown I was up ready for a fight this morning but my morning was a little…Continue reading 23rd day in rehab and my last full day! (wheelchair drama, walking for miles and surprise visits from friends)
22nd day in rehab (old deer, beads and yet more wheelchair woes and self-indulgent emotional ramblings)
Beautifully sunny day today but a brisk sea breeze. Up and dressed pretty early and I was laid on a yoga mat ready to watch the marathon. If they can run 26 miles I can do all of my physio! So after an hour or so of intermittent Physiotherapy I got myself back on the…Continue reading 22nd day in rehab (old deer, beads and yet more wheelchair woes and self-indulgent emotional ramblings)
21st day in rehab (sneaky visit home to watch Grey's Anatomy, the GF Easter bunny)
I had a layin of a whole half an hour this morning before scrambled egg on toast and getting up and dressed. My back is definitely a lot better when I take diazepam at night so I think I might stick with that for a while. I spent most of the morning reading in bed…Continue reading 21st day in rehab (sneaky visit home to watch Grey's Anatomy, the GF Easter bunny)
19th day in rehab (pain pain go away, pretty things are here to stay)
Bad pain day today .. In preparation for my discharge I’m trying to wean myself off the profiling bed so last night I tried to sleep laid flat down with just pillows for support. Well it’s not good I’m in a lot of pain, my hips and back particularly are really sore. That deep down…Continue reading 19th day in rehab (pain pain go away, pretty things are here to stay)
17th day in rehab (Walking & shopping)
Upland about in my beautiful new chair again today, ditched the e-motion power assist wheels and went for the standard manual wheels the chair came with. I pushed 2 laps of the hospital with Mary J (my wheelchair) and I headed back to my room to read and practice wheelies 😉 Physio man came to…Continue reading 17th day in rehab (Walking & shopping)
15th day in rehab (dealing with the emotional rollercoaster of chronic illness + back pain & vintage bargain shopping)
Today marks week 5 of my 1st ever hospital admission, and since the 1st half of the day was spent doing sod all I thought I’d reflect on a few things. I started this journey thinking I’d be in over night…Â Just till the diazepam wore off… I was wrong. The last 5 week’s have…Continue reading 15th day in rehab (dealing with the emotional rollercoaster of chronic illness + back pain & vintage bargain shopping)
May is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month!
I posted this photo on Facebook Yesyerday… I though it would create a visual snap shot of some of the problems faced bt people with Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (H-EDS) Well The lovely Ladies and Gents at the HMSA (hypermobility sundrome association) posted it again on their facebook page and twitter etc.. Fac I am…Continue reading May is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month!
May is EDS Awareness month! I have Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
EDS is a part of me, A part of my life and despite all of the problems, the pain, the endless fatigue, the tears, the sleepless nights, and the fact that as soon as I learn to manage one thing another one pops up! I wouldn’t change it for the world. I have met amazing…Continue reading May is EDS Awareness month! I have Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome