18th day in rehab (beads & adventures with Addz)

Woken up nice and early as always but by 2 people instead of one! one of the ladies brought breakfast in and the other brought a necklace in need of a new clasp.
The beading didn’t stop there, all morning I had people popping in to look at beads and placing orders or asking for prices.
I managed to clear some of my backlog with another cotton cord bracelet


Before starting on the New orders…


I’ve now got more orders than I think I’ve ever had!

Physio started with 10mins talking about beads while I got my leg braces on before taking another walk to the nurses station and back. I’m a bit faster now (still really really slow tho) and I don’t have to concentrate quite so hard on every muscle group.

After changing from a jumper to a t-shirt and drinking loads I headed to the conservatory for lunch with the ladies and gents of the Hospital.

Addz was due to arrive at 1 so I headed back to my room to find my post and some new silver charms on the bed…but no Addz in sight. It turns out he’d arrived while I was eating lunch but didn’t want to have to fight off all the old dears in the hospital to get to me so he’d gone for a walk. As soon as he was back we decided to go for an adventure and packed up.

We ended up heading for a nature trail near the marshes only to find it was closed due to flooding. We wandered around the woodland paths and put my new chair through its paces. I may have managed to flip it backwards when the anti-tips sank in the soft soil and just kept digging in as I fell backwards. Luckily for me it was a soft landing and I still have some of my Parkour/gymnastics skills so I rolled out. No lasting damage to me or the chair.


After a good few hours adventuring, a picnic, some falls, seeing a lizard, laughing at two husbands who were trying to locate their wives who had got lost on a virtually straight track, and more I have learnt a few things.
1. Anti-tips don’t necessarily work on sand or loosely packed soil.
2. Self-propelling is really hard through loose sand even with power assist.
3. Getting stinging nettles in your tyre treds then putting your hands on top is a bad idea.
4. Quickie Helium = awesome.
5. I don’t have the world’s worst sense of direction after all.

We made it back sown the track quicker than we thought and ended up back at the Hospital early so we Sat in the gardens ans set to work adjusting my chair a bit. Addz had managed to damage himself with the sticky out bit on the headrest 3 times (Esther you guessed correctly) we’ve adjusted it to have a bit more clearance between the chair and whoever’s behind me!

Addz headed home and I settled back in my room. After eating dinner and finding nothing to watch on the few TV channels that actually work it was kindle time before a bubble bath and an early night.
Gotta get plenty of sleep before spending all of tomorrow making jewellery!
Ciao for now xx

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