17th day in rehab (Walking & shopping)

Upland about in my beautiful new chair again today, ditched the e-motion power assist wheels and went for the standard manual wheels the chair came with. I pushed 2 laps of the hospital with Mary J (my wheelchair) and I headed back to my room to read and practice wheelies ๐Ÿ˜‰

Physio man came to see me mid morning and he’d decided today would be a stamina test. I walked to the nurses station and back using my gutter frame and being closely followed my physio man (and physio lady on the trip back) I managed fairly well with only a few dislocations and subluxations (both ankles, my right hip and fibula)
After my epic trek in physio I laid down for a bit chatting with various members of Staff and putting my feet up.

Lunch was a quiet affair with only 5 of us I’m the conservatory after some pleasant chatter I headed for a lay down.

Mum arrived for afternoon visiting and smuggled me put to Snape Maltings.


We managed to get my chair into maybe a 3rd of the shops/galleries.
In one final shop, a boutique called Caramel me and mum raided the bargain bins ๐Ÿ™‚


I arrived back to hospital just in time for tea and spent the rest of the evening tuned into film 4
I’m still in a fair bit of pain so I’m zoning out to Forrest Gump before sleep time
Night Night folks ๐Ÿ™‚

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