The Rehab Saga: 1st Weekend Home (Sunday)

Slept in this morning, up at about 9:30 and was spoilt by mum who brought me breakfast in bed ๐Ÿ™‚ I read on my kindle for a while before getting up and jumping in a hot bath for a long soak. I pampered myself and got ready for another weeks rehab starting tomorrow. After a…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: 1st Weekend Home (Sunday)

The Rehab Saga: First Weekend Home! (Saturday)

I started the day with a lay in. I slept utility 9:30am! (and I could probably have slept a lot longer!) Addz was up early to play squash with my brother so I got up and dressed after he left. I spent the morning unpacking some things and getting ready for swimming.ย One of my targets…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: First Weekend Home! (Saturday)

The Rehab Saga: Last day of week 1 and temporary discharge!

Sorry this one is a few days late folks! Up bright and early Friday morning. We only had one session in the morning before going home for the weekend so it was a slightly more relaxed start than the rest of the week. After s breakfast of GF cornflakes I did some physio and made…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Last day of week 1 and temporary discharge!

Home at last: settling in, physio, hair dye and mobility aids.

Hello folks I know it’s been a few days since I’ve blogged but for the most part I’ve been asleep! After getting Home from hospital in Tuesday and my epic walk back to the house u spent the rest of the day in bed. Wednesday started with a layin, I just couldn’t get going. I…Continue reading Home at last: settling in, physio, hair dye and mobility aids.

24th and last day in rehab.

Jam on toast and lots of good luck and goodbye messages already ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m certainly going to miss this lot! After getting myself up and dressed I made myself some earrings to go with my cotton cord necklace and bracelet set. After finishing that I started chasing down staff with my business cards in hand.…Continue reading 24th and last day in rehab.

23rd day in rehab and my last full day! (wheelchair drama, walking for miles and surprise visits from friends)

Up bright and early this morning (with both shoulders and a hip out of joint! It’s really hard to pop a hip back in when you can’t feel anything besides pins and needles in either arm!) After yesterday’s emotional meltdown I was up ready for a fight this morning but my morning was a little…Continue reading 23rd day in rehab and my last full day! (wheelchair drama, walking for miles and surprise visits from friends)

21st day in rehab (sneaky visit home to watch Grey's Anatomy, the GF Easter bunny)

I had a layin of a whole half an hour this morning before scrambled egg on toast and getting up and dressed. My back is definitely a lot better when I take diazepam at night so I think I might stick with that for a while. I spent most of the morning reading in bed…Continue reading 21st day in rehab (sneaky visit home to watch Grey's Anatomy, the GF Easter bunny)