Welcome to the JBOT Podcast with Jordan. In this episode Jordan & Matt catch up with Steve Dent. Owner of disability equipment retailer www.spokz.co.uk . Steve shares how his own experience of disability lead to him including sex aids as part of his core range of stock. We also have Matts Myths, tips… and more!…Continue reading JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 1
Tag: Occupational Therapy
Understanding a chronic patient’s experience…
Healthcare professionals have a duty of care to each patient, client, individual we see. We are taught to listen, understand, and problem-solve, all in the best interest of the individual. We all want to see our patient ‘get better’, ‘progress’, ‘recover’. Sometimes we get lost in these words and don’t take the time to support…Continue reading Understanding a chronic patient’s experience…
COVID-19 has changed the world in a whole lot of ways. After a year of Lockdowns and the vaccination roll-out many of us can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not long after the first few cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the UK I remember having a couple of discussions.…Continue reading Long-COVID
Welcome LSBU student Ellen Reed-Walsh
A little update… There are many career goals I set for myself when I started out as an OT. One I never really thought I’d accomplish was to be a practice educator. Who would want a virtual placement with someone who works 15 hours a week from bed? Well, fast forward one pandemic later and…Continue reading Welcome LSBU student Ellen Reed-Walsh
Coronavirus Shielding: Advice for rejoining the world
2020 has definitely been a roller-coaster.. mostly made up of scary downhill parts and sudden drops. For many folks with pre-existing conditions (myself included) the last few months have been downright scary. The lack of information around what actually constituted a risk meant that many people were in a weird no man’s land where they…Continue reading Coronavirus Shielding: Advice for rejoining the world
Coronavirus Live stream:Self-care advice and coping strategies for Key workers and front line staff.
Advice and coping strategies for Key workers and front line staff by Jo Southall, Independent Occupational Therapist
Practical Tips for #SocialDistancing and #SelfIsolation
Top tips for staying happy and healthy during social distancing and self-isolation.
Therapeutic Relationships: Personal Vs Professional
“Do you know my friend Bill? He’s in a wheelchair too!” There comes a time in every disabled persons life where a well-meaning but nosy stranger asks that question. There’s a persistent assumption that all individuals with similar needs or matching impairments share a social connection. In previous generations, this was met with awkward laughter…Continue reading Therapeutic Relationships: Personal Vs Professional
#HypnOT session 3 – Chronic Pain
Welcome back to #HypnOT. Session 3 focuses on understanding and managing Chronic Pain. Kim (Online Psychotherapist) explains a little about how pain impacts our brains and cognition. I share some useful tips for managing the symptoms and limiting the impact on your quality of life. This video was recorded live via Facebook Livestream then uploaded…Continue reading #HypnOT session 3 – Chronic Pain
#HypnOT Session 1
I’m very pleased and proud to share session one of the #HypnOT series. A collaboration between myself and Kim Clayden of Positive Solution Hypnotherapy. We’ll be looking at a variety of topics over the next few weeks. This one is an introduction to who we are, what we do and why!