Physiotherapy for hypermobility (Pay no attention to the image you houldn't exercise in just socks) written over an image of a lady using a gym ball against a wall with a physiotherapist assisting

Physiotherapy for Hypermobility

Being hypermobile can cause symptoms that may mean more than just being flexible. The term hypermobility basically means being able to move a joint beyond normal range of movement (ROM) basically meaning that your joints can over bend and stretch. You may be ‘double jointed’ and flexible. For some people, this is totally normal and it…Continue reading Physiotherapy for Hypermobility

A faded background image of a patient sat on a gym ball next to a physiotherapist

Understanding Hypermobility: An Introduction for Physiotherapists.

Hypermobility can mean more than just being ‘bendy’, or ‘flexible’. This is hypermobility as a characteristic and then there’s hypermobility as a symptom for connective tissue disorders (Simmonds, 2022). Hypermobility Sydnromes including Hypermobility Spectum Disorders (HSD) and hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS), are conditions which present with injury, pain and other symptoms which can affect multiple…Continue reading Understanding Hypermobility: An Introduction for Physiotherapists.

An alternative approach to Physiotherapy

For many people around the world, regular physiotherapy is an accepted part of life. This doesn’t just go for chronic illnesses or long-term disabilities either. Plenty of people get short-term physio for acute injuries or a little physio input as they get older and less mobile. Simply needing physiotherapy doesn’t mean you’ll find it easy…Continue reading An alternative approach to Physiotherapy

Rehab Update: Goal Tracker, Gymnastics, Capsaicin and University

Hello again and Happy New Year!! Sorry for the lack of posting lately! This will be the first of my post-rehab updates having completed the 3 week pain management course at RNOH Stanmore. If you haven’t read about my adventured there then please check the posts starting with ‘The Rehab Saga’.

The Rehab Saga: Happily Ever After

This was my last day at RNOH Stanmore (last half day anyway) I was up and dressed nice and early, we all shared a breakfast and were even joined by an ex patient who was back for her 3 month review, she talked to me about her progress and I’m feeling really optimistic. Its so…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Happily Ever After

The Rehab Saga: Goal Setting, Red Hot Chilli Pepper (Capsaicin) and Swimming

So I’m getting really close to complete my rehab stay and today was mostly about rounding up the programme and making sure I’m as prepared as possible before going out into the wide world to continue my life. I overslept this morning (I’m blaming the antihistamines) but I did get up early enough to go…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Goal Setting, Red Hot Chilli Pepper (Capsaicin) and Swimming

The Rehab Saga: Maintaining change, Physio/OT and a visit from Addz

Up bright and early this morning but I felt pretty sleepy (I’m blaming the added antihistamines) I did eventually drag myself out of bed and get dressed in time for the Stretch class. It was a pretty small group of us today so we chatted a bit but got the job done, the Therapy techs…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Maintaining change, Physio/OT and a visit from Addz

The Rehab Saga: 2nd Weekend Home

So saturday was a total write off, the allergic reaction drove me MAD. So so Itchy… I felt pretty toxic and lethargic all day and I don’t think its the double dose of antihistamines… I was starting to see some improvement with the ear infection tho so thats good. I spent most of the day…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: 2nd Weekend Home

The Rehab Saga: End of week 2

So after I finished thursday nights blog post I noticed something peculiar. I’d come out in a rash. It would seem I’m allergic to my anti-fungal medication. By bed time the rash covered my arms, legs and tummy. I got one of the nurses to bleep the Dr, she said to just stop taking the…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: End of week 2

The Rehab Saga: Weekend Goals, Nutrition and extra Physio.

So after I finished my blog post yesterday I was planning on having an early night. That didn’t happen. I layed down for a while and read my kindle (no hope of sleeping with the lights on and everyone talking) I’ve been struggling to sleep here anyway so I was easily irritated by lights or…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Weekend Goals, Nutrition and extra Physio.