Phase Change Cooling Vest Review

So I was very excited to get my cooling vests in the post this morning. I was lucky enough to snatch the last 2 of the ‘Junior Cooling Vests’ from DisabledGear. I have been really struggling with heat intolerance, progressively since Christmas when I started developing symptoms of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) Basically being…Continue reading Phase Change Cooling Vest Review

EDS Awareness Month Continued!

I Posted this photo as part of EDS Awareness Month to highlight just some of the effects that Hypermobile-EDS has had on me and many others.. well the response was phenomenal! By the time I went to bed yesterday an amazingĀ 41,312 people had seen that photo! There is no way this would have happened without…Continue reading EDS Awareness Month Continued!