Fairly relaxed day today, I had a bit of a layin then got myself up and dressed. Physio man came to see me and I was introduced to the 3rd physio on the team. She seemed a little more hesitant about the EDS risks during physio than the other two but I gave her my…Continue reading 13th day in rehab
1st day of rehab
Day 1 in rehab. Woken up nice and early to a day with nothing planned. Spent a few hours making bracelets in the conservatory with the doors and Windows open. Then read lots, thank goodness for kindle. Got visited by Mum who bought me decent GF food and took me for a walk/wheel, my 1st…Continue reading 1st day of rehab
Phase Change Cooling Vest Review
So I was very excited to get my cooling vests in the post this morning. I was lucky enough to snatch the last 2 of the ‘Junior Cooling Vests’ from DisabledGear. I have been really struggling with heat intolerance, progressively since Christmas when I started developing symptoms of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) Basically being…Continue reading Phase Change Cooling Vest Review
EDS Awareness Month Continued!
I Posted this photo as part of EDS Awareness Month to highlight just some of the effects that Hypermobile-EDS has had on me and many others.. well the response was phenomenal! By the time I went to bed yesterday an amazingĀ 41,312 people had seen that photo! There is no way this would have happened without…Continue reading EDS Awareness Month Continued!