Flare Up Planning With Shona

Flare Up Planning with Shona

Something a little different for this blog post. I recently had the pleasure of working with Shona of My Marfan Life. Here, she share’s her experiences working with me and a bit about her life with Marfan Syndrome. “Recently I had the pleasure of having a 30 minute consultation with Jo to create a flare up…Continue reading Flare Up Planning with Shona

Autumn leaves on trees

Holywells Park Accessibility Review

Holywells Park in Ipswich is a lovely open space, filled with grass, trees, ponds and playgrounds. The park stretched over 28 hectares with paths and trails throughout. Holywells Park is a County Wildlife Site and a Conservation Area with two listed buildings (the Stable Block and Conservatory), making it a haven for wildlife and history alike.…Continue reading Holywells Park Accessibility Review

The Creperie, Brighton. Gluten Free Goodness!

The Creperie in Brighton is a fabulous little restaurant just off the seafront. The Creperie offers french-style cuisine made with top quality local produce and get this.. its 100% Gluten Free. That’s right no gluten at all, you can’t even bring in your own! The Creperie prides itself on being the only 100% Gluten free restaurant in…Continue reading The Creperie, Brighton. Gluten Free Goodness!

SWT Lackford Lakes Access Review

Suffolk Wildlife Trusts’ Lackford Lakes is 323 acres of wildlife paradise just outside Bury St Edmunds. The reserve features a mix of lakes, reed beds, meadows and woodland. There are 6km of trails and 9 bird hides. Lackford Lakes visitor centre is open from 10am till 5pm Tuesday till Saturday. The reserve is down a…Continue reading SWT Lackford Lakes Access Review

Version22 ‘nimble’ – Review

**This is a sponsored post. I was provided the product in exchange for an honest review, I have been compensated for my time through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. All opinions remain my own and I was in no way influenced by Version22 Designs or Chronic Illness Bloggers. For more info please read my disclaimer**…Continue reading Version22 ‘nimble’ – Review

Trixie Jogging Belt for Hands Free Dog Walking

I purchased this via amazon ”Trixie Waist Belt” so that I could walk dogs from my wheelchair or on crutches without getting hopelessly tangled. I have tried various methods like tying leads to my chair, carabiners, leads looped over my arms but all of them had the same flaw. The leads were either too long…Continue reading Trixie Jogging Belt for Hands Free Dog Walking

Rhizomed Thumb Support from Medi

Ok so I received this awesome new thumb splint this morning and I’ve decided to do a quick review (I couldn’t find any other reviews for this model online so I figured I should write one) Before we get started although I’m an OT student and I splint regularly in my daily life this doesn’t…Continue reading Rhizomed Thumb Support from Medi

RSPB Minsmere Accessibility Review

RSPB Minsmere is a coastal reserve in Saxmundham, Suffolk. The reserve covers over 2,000 acres and is a mix of woodland, wetland, meadows, reed beds and shorelines. The 1st thing I have to compliment them on is their access statement, their website is FANTASTIC (available here) it covers so much more than just ‘wheelchair accessible…Continue reading RSPB Minsmere Accessibility Review