Text reads 'pacing for better mental health' over a faded image of a sunset along a river with row boats in the foreground

Pacing for better mental health

Mental health is something we all have, good or bad. It is often separated from physical health, as if the brain is floating in some cloud-like invisible storage centre. The overlap between physical illness and mental illness is clear. If depression makes getting out of bed seem too much, feeling well enough to exercise is…Continue reading Pacing for better mental health

Jordan and Matt stood side by side. Jordan wears a green floral dress and matt is in burgundy jumper.

The JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 4

In this episode we get the low down on Long Covid, what this term means and who is effected. The expert interview is with Kirsty Stanley, independent Occupational Therapist and Long Covid advocate. Kirsty’s Private Practise can be found here – occupation4life.co.uk/ Kirsty blends her own experience of Long Covid with her expansive breadth of clinical…Continue reading The JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 4

Jordan and Matt stood side by side. Jordan wears a green floral dress and matt is in burgundy jumper.

JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 3

Matt and Jordan are back with more myths, tips and products.The guest interview this week is Bruce Rolls. Bruce is a humanistic psychotherapist who gives us a thoughtful take on how his own experiences of sexuality inform his work. You can find Bruce at www.therapyaccess.co.uk style=”font-size: 10px; color: #cccccc;line-break: anywhere;word-break: normal;overflow: hidden;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: Interstate,Lucida…Continue reading JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 3

Jordan and Matt stood side by side. Jordan wears a green floral dress and matt is in burgundy jumper.

JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 2

Well Episode 1 got a great response! Matt and Jordan are back again with tips, myths, product spotlight and more! In this episode Matt and Jordan chat to Sex worker Inara Serra. Inara offers an eloquent and informative insight into her work, societies view of her work and much, much more. Do you have assumptions?…Continue reading JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 2

Jordan and Matt stood side by side. Jordan wears a green floral dress and matt is in burgundy jumper.

JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 1

Welcome to the JBOT Podcast with Jordan. In this episode Jordan & Matt catch up with Steve Dent. Owner of disability equipment retailer www.spokz.co.uk . Steve shares how his own experience of disability lead to him including sex aids as part of his core range of stock. We also have Matts Myths, tips… and more!…Continue reading JBOT Podcast with Jordan. Episode 1

Welcome LSBU student Ellen Reed-Walsh

A little update… There are many career goals I set for myself when I started out as an OT. One I never really thought I’d accomplish was to be a practice educator. Who would want a virtual placement with someone who works 15 hours a week from bed? Well, fast forward one pandemic later and…Continue reading Welcome LSBU student Ellen Reed-Walsh

coronavirus shielding: advice for rejoining the world

Coronavirus Shielding: Advice for rejoining the world

2020 has definitely been a roller-coaster.. mostly made up of scary downhill parts and sudden drops. For many folks with pre-existing conditions (myself included) the last few months have been downright scary. The lack of information around what actually constituted a risk meant that many people were in a weird no man’s land where they…Continue reading Coronavirus Shielding: Advice for rejoining the world

therapeutic relationships: Personal Vs Professional

Therapeutic Relationships: Personal Vs Professional

“Do you know my friend Bill? He’s in a wheelchair too!” There comes a time in every disabled persons life where a well-meaning but nosy stranger asks that question. There’s a persistent assumption that all individuals with similar needs or matching impairments share a social connection. In previous generations, this was met with awkward laughter…Continue reading Therapeutic Relationships: Personal Vs Professional