The Rehab Saga: Physio, friends, family and beer pong.

After struggling to wake up yesterday I was expecting to really struggle this morning, I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up at 7:15 and didn’t feel half bad! I hopped in the shower (and even washed my hair) before grabbing breakfast there were a couple of new faces on the ward this morning so…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Physio, friends, family and beer pong.

The Rehab Saga: Maintaining change, Physio/OT and a visit from Addz

Up bright and early this morning but I felt pretty sleepy (I’m blaming the added antihistamines) I did eventually drag myself out of bed and get dressed in time for the Stretch class. It was a pretty small group of us today so we chatted a bit but got the job done, the Therapy techs…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Maintaining change, Physio/OT and a visit from Addz

The Rehab Saga: weekend recap and balance training

This is the start of my last week its also the last of my 5:30am starts! The drive up took an hour longer than normal this morning so I was feeling pretty rubbish by the time we finally arrive, (kinda desperate for the loo too!) My first order of business after un-pacing was to request…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: weekend recap and balance training

The Rehab Saga: 2nd Weekend Home

So saturday was a total write off, the allergic reaction drove me MAD. So so Itchy… I felt pretty toxic and lethargic all day and I don’t think its the double dose of antihistamines… I was starting to see some improvement with the ear infection tho so thats good. I spent most of the day…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: 2nd Weekend Home

The Rehab Saga: End of week 2

So after I finished thursday nights blog post I noticed something peculiar. I’d come out in a rash. It would seem I’m allergic to my anti-fungal medication. By bed time the rash covered my arms, legs and tummy. I got one of the nurses to bleep the Dr, she said to just stop taking the…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: End of week 2

The Rehab Saga: Weekend Goals, Nutrition and extra Physio.

So after I finished my blog post yesterday I was planning on having an early night. That didn’t happen. I layed down for a while and read my kindle (no hope of sleeping with the lights on and everyone talking) I’ve been struggling to sleep here anyway so I was easily irritated by lights or…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Weekend Goals, Nutrition and extra Physio.

The Rehab Saga: Jam Packed & Working hard!

It was all fun and games on the ward last night, we had a power cut just before 10pm…the emergency lighting came on in the ward but not in the bathrooms so I got ready for bed in the dark using my phone as a torch! The emergency lighting was stuck on until the power…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Jam Packed & Working hard!

The Rehab Saga: Bendie Knees, OT’s and Carrot Cake.

I’m going to start this post with something from last night. I got chatting with the lovely lady in the bed next to me last night, we got on well so we added each other on facebook. After a little bit of snooping she realised that we actually have 5 friends in common! Not (as…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Bendie Knees, OT’s and Carrot Cake.

The Rehab Saga: The Beginning of Week 2

First day back after the weekend and up bright and early this morning. Everyone loves a 5:30am start right? … Our first session of the day was a review of our weekends. We took it in turn to discuss the progress we’d made with our goals and what we got up to at the weekend.…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: The Beginning of Week 2

The Rehab Saga: 1st Weekend Home (Sunday)

Slept in this morning, up at about 9:30 and was spoilt by mum who brought me breakfast in bed 🙂 I read on my kindle for a while before getting up and jumping in a hot bath for a long soak. I pampered myself and got ready for another weeks rehab starting tomorrow. After a…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: 1st Weekend Home (Sunday)