Link between neurodiversity and hypermobility written over an image of a woman bending forwards to stretch and a head silhouette with a rainbow infinity symbol in it.

Link Between Neurodiversity and Hypermobility

Having a chronic illness like a hypermobility disorder commonly comes with different co-morbidities. Dysautonomia problems like PoTS, chronic fatigue and pain, gastrointestinal problems, and visual stress just to name a few. A few co-morbidities that are commonly seen in people with hypermobility is neurodivergent conditions like Autism (ASD) and ADHD. In this blog post I…Continue reading Link Between Neurodiversity and Hypermobility

EDS Awareness Month – Open questions, ask me anything! #EDSAwarenessMonth

It’s that time of year again, May is EDS Awareness Month. For the whole of May I’ll be raising awareness of Ehlers Danlos Syndromes. For those of you who don’t know what it is please head on over to my EDS info page. For the last few years I’ve offered to share info on any…Continue reading EDS Awareness Month – Open questions, ask me anything! #EDSAwarenessMonth

Hypermobility Syndromes – When to seek medical help?

Living with Ehlers Danlos or any of the other hypermobility syndromes does mean you are going to get injuries at some point.  That’s not me being negative, it’s the truth. Living with these disorders is risky! Simply rolling over in bed or putting on socks can lead to ridiculous injuries. I do my best to…Continue reading Hypermobility Syndromes – When to seek medical help?

Surviving a General Anaesthetic with H-EDS & PoTS

So as many of my friends will know I was in hospital yesterday to have a tooth extracted under general anaesthetic. It couldn’t have gone better really! I’ve spoken to a few people who have requested I jot down some of the ways the surgical team and I managed my ‘complex issues’ throughout the surgery…Continue reading Surviving a General Anaesthetic with H-EDS & PoTS

An alternative approach to Physiotherapy

For many people around the world, regular physiotherapy is an accepted part of life. This doesn’t just go for chronic illnesses or long-term disabilities either. Plenty of people get short-term physio for acute injuries or a little physio input as they get older and less mobile. Simply needing physiotherapy doesn’t mean you’ll find it easy…Continue reading An alternative approach to Physiotherapy

Temperature Regulation

Temperature Regulation Hints and Tips

Temperature Regulation is supposed to happen naturally. Unfortunately many people with complex health conditions find that this simply doesn’t work. As many of you may know I have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS). Basically, because of my Ehlers Danlos my autonomic system is a bit wonky. I struggle to adjust to postural changes and experience a…Continue reading Temperature Regulation Hints and Tips

The Rehab Saga: Admission day.

This series of blog posts will follow my 3 weeks at Stanmore hospital (RNOH). I’m going through the Hypermobility Rehab Programme in an attempt to learn how to manage my physical health problems, to get a bit fitter and to take a good look at the way I cope with things emotionally/psychologically. There are two…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Admission day.

21st day in rehab (sneaky visit home to watch Grey's Anatomy, the GF Easter bunny)

I had a layin of a whole half an hour this morning before scrambled egg on toast and getting up and dressed. My back is definitely a lot better when I take diazepam at night so I think I might stick with that for a while. I spent most of the morning reading in bed…Continue reading 21st day in rehab (sneaky visit home to watch Grey's Anatomy, the GF Easter bunny)

15th day in rehab (dealing with the emotional rollercoaster of chronic illness + back pain & vintage bargain shopping)

Today marks week 5 of my 1st ever hospital admission, and since the 1st half of the day was spent doing sod all I thought I’d reflect on a few things. I started this journey thinking I’d be in over night…  Just till the diazepam wore off… I was wrong. The last 5 week’s have…Continue reading 15th day in rehab (dealing with the emotional rollercoaster of chronic illness + back pain & vintage bargain shopping)