Not a very nice start to the day, woke up in a cold sweat with a badly dislocated right hip…ouch. Rang for help and the nurses helped me sit up and put myself back together then helped me sort out my TENS machine. One of the nurses asked of I’d been woken by the storm…Continue reading 5th day in rehab
Category: Aldeburgh Rehab Hospital
4th day in rehab
Busy day today 🙂 got up and dressed ready for physio this morning. Went into the gym for the 1st time with my lovely pair of physios. They got me parked up and … I walked up and down the parallel bars twice with one of them holding each knee. I only had a few…Continue reading 4th day in rehab
3rd day in Rehab
Day 3. Beautiful weather once again, the sunshine floods in through my bedroom window all morning. Started the day with bed based physio then taped my knees and ankles up afterwards. After being productive for a while I decided I’d earnt a treat so I finally sat down for a proper manicure (1st time in…Continue reading 3rd day in Rehab
2nd day in rehab
Today was day 2 of rehab and my 1st time meeting my physio and OT for my stay. I was again up nice and early with toast and jam. The physiotherapist and Occupational therapist came to see me briefly before lunch, but by the time I was done catching them up with my previous function,…Continue reading 2nd day in rehab
1st day of rehab
Day 1 in rehab. Woken up nice and early to a day with nothing planned. Spent a few hours making bracelets in the conservatory with the doors and Windows open. Then read lots, thank goodness for kindle. Got visited by Mum who bought me decent GF food and took me for a walk/wheel, my 1st…Continue reading 1st day of rehab
A long story short
Hi folks sorry it’s been such a long time since I blogged about anything. I had a few thing I meant to blog about but after recent events they seem totally unimportant. I’ve been on a health and disability rollercoaster and I’m going to do my best to catch you all up before I start…Continue reading A long story short