It’s that time of year again, May is EDS Awareness Month. For the whole of May I’ll be raising awareness of Ehlers Danlos Syndromes. For those of you who don’t know what it is please head on over to my EDS info page. For the last few years I’ve offered to share info on any…Continue reading EDS Awareness Month – Open questions, ask me anything! #EDSAwarenessMonth
Tag: EDS
Surviving a General Anaesthetic with H-EDS & PoTS
So as many of my friends will know I was in hospital yesterday to have a tooth extracted under general anaesthetic. It couldn’t have gone better really! I’ve spoken to a few people who have requested I jot down some of the ways the surgical team and I managed my ‘complex issues’ throughout the surgery…Continue reading Surviving a General Anaesthetic with H-EDS & PoTS
Life with an Un-cooperative Body
A quick post on what its like living with an un-cooperative body and the challenges of invisible disabilities. Set during one day at university.
Exercise with a Chronic Illness or Variable Disability.
I’ve thought about an exercise post for a while. I’ve had a couple of half-formed ideas about how to write this post but a recent article shared by the BBC has spurred me on. The article, Difficulties of Getting fit if you’re disabled by Kate Ansell, was brilliantly written and covered a lot of the topics I think…Continue reading Exercise with a Chronic Illness or Variable Disability.
Flexivity (SudoGrip) Walking Stick Handle Cover
For many people the balance between style and function is a difficult one. I know I should be using walking sticks with ergonomic grips but I also really wanted one with flames around the bottom (just like Dr House). This is the perfect compromise.
Yoga with Hypermobility Syndromes – Safe Stretching
Please remember throughout this post, I am not a yoga instructor, I am not a physiotherapist. This is all info I’ve learned through personal experiences with yoga and Ehlers Danlos. I recommend checking with your Dr or physio if you’re unsure about anything.
The Rehab Saga: weekend recap and balance training
This is the start of my last week its also the last of my 5:30am starts! The drive up took an hour longer than normal this morning so I was feeling pretty rubbish by the time we finally arrive, (kinda desperate for the loo too!) My first order of business after un-pacing was to request…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: weekend recap and balance training
The Rehab Saga: Jam Packed & Working hard!
It was all fun and games on the ward last night, we had a power cut just before 10pm…the emergency lighting came on in the ward but not in the bathrooms so I got ready for bed in the dark using my phone as a torch! The emergency lighting was stuck on until the power…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Jam Packed & Working hard!
23rd day in rehab and my last full day! (wheelchair drama, walking for miles and surprise visits from friends)
Up bright and early this morning (with both shoulders and a hip out of joint! It’s really hard to pop a hip back in when you can’t feel anything besides pins and needles in either arm!) After yesterday’s emotional meltdown I was up ready for a fight this morning but my morning was a little…Continue reading 23rd day in rehab and my last full day! (wheelchair drama, walking for miles and surprise visits from friends)
22nd day in rehab (old deer, beads and yet more wheelchair woes and self-indulgent emotional ramblings)
Beautifully sunny day today but a brisk sea breeze. Up and dressed pretty early and I was laid on a yoga mat ready to watch the marathon. If they can run 26 miles I can do all of my physio! So after an hour or so of intermittent Physiotherapy I got myself back on the…Continue reading 22nd day in rehab (old deer, beads and yet more wheelchair woes and self-indulgent emotional ramblings)