Wheelchair Cushion Guide

Wheelchair shopping can be expensive and overwhelming. Often the chair itself take priority but sometimes the extras, like a decent wheelchair cushion, are just as important. Wheelchair Cushions make sitting for long periods more comfortable but they also play a part in temperature regulation, stability and preventing pressure injuries. There are literally thousands on the…Continue reading Wheelchair Cushion Guide

Surviving a General Anaesthetic with H-EDS & PoTS

So as many of my friends will know I was in hospital yesterday to have a tooth extracted under general anaesthetic. It couldn’t have gone better really! I’ve spoken to a few people who have requested I jot down some of the ways the surgical team and I managed my ‘complex issues’ throughout the surgery…Continue reading Surviving a General Anaesthetic with H-EDS & PoTS

An alternative approach to Physiotherapy

For many people around the world, regular physiotherapy is an accepted part of life. This doesn’t just go for chronic illnesses or long-term disabilities either. Plenty of people get short-term physio for acute injuries or a little physio input as they get older and less mobile. Simply needing physiotherapy doesn’t mean you’ll find it easy…Continue reading An alternative approach to Physiotherapy

The Rehab Saga: Maintaining change, Physio/OT and a visit from Addz

Up bright and early this morning but I felt pretty sleepy (I’m blaming the added antihistamines) I did eventually drag myself out of bed and get dressed in time for the Stretch class. It was a pretty small group of us today so we chatted a bit but got the job done, the Therapy techs…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Maintaining change, Physio/OT and a visit from Addz

The Rehab Saga: weekend recap and balance training

This is the start of my last week its also the last of my 5:30am starts! The drive up took an hour longer than normal this morning so I was feeling pretty rubbish by the time we finally arrive, (kinda desperate for the loo too!) My first order of business after un-pacing was to request…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: weekend recap and balance training

The Rehab Saga: 2nd Weekend Home

So saturday was a total write off, the allergic reaction drove me MAD. So so Itchy… I felt pretty toxic and lethargic all day and I don’t think its the double dose of antihistamines… I was starting to see some improvement with the ear infection tho so thats good. I spent most of the day…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: 2nd Weekend Home

The Rehab Saga: Bendie Knees, OT’s and Carrot Cake.

I’m going to start this post with something from last night. I got chatting with the lovely lady in the bed next to me last night, we got on well so we added each other on facebook. After a little bit of snooping she realised that we actually have 5 friends in common! Not (as…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Bendie Knees, OT’s and Carrot Cake.

The Rehab Saga: 1st Weekend Home (Sunday)

Slept in this morning, up at about 9:30 and was spoilt by mum who brought me breakfast in bed 🙂 I read on my kindle for a while before getting up and jumping in a hot bath for a long soak. I pampered myself and got ready for another weeks rehab starting tomorrow. After a…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: 1st Weekend Home (Sunday)

The Rehab Saga: Last day of week 1 and temporary discharge!

Sorry this one is a few days late folks! Up bright and early Friday morning. We only had one session in the morning before going home for the weekend so it was a slightly more relaxed start than the rest of the week. After s breakfast of GF cornflakes I did some physio and made…Continue reading The Rehab Saga: Last day of week 1 and temporary discharge!

Corset wearing for chronic back pain – Focus on Hypermobility (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome)

As part of the series on Splinting for Hypermobility Syndromes, this post will specifically cover corsets. Before we start I have to say I’m not a medical professional and I’m not a corset expert, this is all from my personal experience and before you take any advice from my blog I’d recommend reading around the…Continue reading Corset wearing for chronic back pain – Focus on Hypermobility (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome)