chronic fatigue & baby weaning recipes written in red over an image of rainbow coloured fruit and veg.

Chronic fatigue & baby weaning recipes…a match made in heaven?

What do baby weaning recipes and chronic fatigue have in common? Absolutely nothing. And perhaps I am the first person on the planet to write that sentence? But bear with me….


I’m coming towards the end of my last placement of my occupational therapy degree and spending the last 10 weeks with Jo as my educator as reignited my life for all things OT.  Years of relentless academic work can start to get in the way of remembering why one chooses a rewarding vocational degree such as this. Being creative with interventions, but understanding evidence-based practice, is for me one of the most exciting things about this career.

As someone who has experienced chronic fatigue from my teen years and into adulthood, I fully understand the challenges that it presents with. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating condition. It is characterised by extreme fatigue that often accompanies other auto immune conditions. Individuals with CFS often struggle with everyday activities and tasks that might seem simple to others, but for someone with chronic fatigue can seem almost impossible.

Possible solution?

One such task that can be overwhelming is cooking. For people with chronic fatigue, the energy required to plan, prepare, and cook meals can be incredibly taxing. Recipe books can be overwhelming

This is where baby weaning recipes come into play – yes it sounds odd but bear with it.

Originally designed to introduce infants to solid foods, baby weaning recipes offer a range of benefits that make them ideal for individuals with chronic fatigue. Their simplicity, minimal preparation, and nutritional value are key reasons why they are a perfect fit for those managing CFS.

Here are my top 8 reasons why I feel I may have cracked the system with this cunning intervention.

Simplicity and Time Efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of baby weaning recipes is their simplicity. These recipes are designed specifically for busy parents. Which means they are quick and easy, requiring minimal preparation and cooking time. And let’s face it, the less time spent on one task means the more energy can be saved for other activities of daily living.

Minimal Ingredients and Steps

Baby weaning recipes typically involve just a handful of ingredients and straightforward steps. This simplicity reduces the cognitive load and physical effort needed making meal preparation more manageable for individuals with chronic fatigue.

Quick Cooking Methods

Most baby weaning recipes rely on basic cooking techniques such as steaming and boiling. These methods are not only quick but also require a lot less physical demand compared to more complex cooking techniques. 

Energy Conservation

For individuals with chronic fatigue, conserving energy is paramount. Every activity, no matter how small, uses up precious energy reserves. Baby weaning recipes are inherently designed to be low in effort allowing individuals with CFS to prepare nutritious meals without exhausting themselves.

Precut and Frozen Options

Many ingredients that are used for baby weaning recipes can often be found in a supermarket’s frozen section. Things such as precut vegetables and fruit. Something like precut sweet potatoes requires no peeling, which limits the risk of causing pain in the hands and wrists.

Nutritional Value and Digestibility

Maintaining a balanced diet is essential for overall health, especially those with auto immune conditions that cause chronic fatigue.  Baby weaning recipes are so specifically designed to be nutritionally balanced. They provide essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to overall health and well-being.

East of Digestion

Digestive issues are all too common among individuals with chronic fatigue. Baby weaning recipes are gentle on the digestive system as they are designed for infants who are transitioning to solid foods. Being easy to digest lessens the risk of digestive discomfort,  


I’m hoping by this point you are beginning to see the idea isn’t as whacky as it may have sounded at the beginning of this post!

Baby weaning recipes are practical, versatile, and in my opinion a beneficial option for individuals with chronic fatigue. Their simplicity and ease of preparation make them an excellent choice for anyone looking to conserve energy while maintaining a healthy diet. By embracing the principles of baby weaning recipes individuals with chronic fatigue can ensure they are well-nourished without expending their limited energy reserves.

About the author:  

Rachel is a final year OT student who has completed her final placement here. She has lived experience with chronic fatigue from the age of 15 and loves working with people who have shared experiences. In her spare time she has a deep passion for photography. She’s had two exhibitions with the National Portrait Gallery and one with the V&A.

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