#OTandMe15 Tweet Chat

In honour of UK OT week 2015 I will be hosting the #OTandMe15 Tweet Chat on Wednesday 4th November at 7pm (UTC)

Please come along and share your experiences of Occupational Therapy, this chat is open to everyone both patients and professionals. I would love a good mix of people so that we can all learn from each other!

Joe public – This is your chance to find out what OT could do for you or to share your experiences with OT as a patient. You can also share your experiences with illness or disability if you feel comfortable doing so.

OT’s – This is your chance to share more about what OT actually is and to hear 1st hand patient experiences! You might even learn something new! Patients sharing personal experiences are giving you a valuable insight into life with a medical condition or disability so please don’t miss out!

To join the chat please follow @PurlBeadsJo on twitter and tweet along with #OTandME15 tag. I will be writing a few set questions to get the ball rolling but if there is anything in particular you’d like to know about then let me know and I’ll be sure to start some discussion.

Most tweet chats are either patient groups or professional ones, having everyone together will hopefully generate some great discussion. With this chat I’m aiming to give professionals a chance to get to know the people they are helping and patients a chance to learn more about OT and what therapists actually do!

This is not meant as a chance to get a free medical opinion or to get answers for a specific problem but more to educate on the things OT can do. If you like what you hear then you can get yourself a referral afterwards!

Therapists please be respectful and tone down the technical jargon, I’d like this chat to be as accessible as possible!

Please feel free to share this and invite friends, in fact I encourage you to do so!

As always comments and queries are welcome

Ciao for now!

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